Despite their ongoing conflicts throughout the Gaza war, Netanyahu had previously hesitated to remove Gallant. However, this decision comes after a failed attempt to oust him in March 2023, which resulted in significant public protests against the prime minister.
Tel Aviv: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu unexpectedly dismissed his defence minister Yoav Gallant in a late Tuesday announcement. The two leaders have had ongoing conflicts during the ongoing Gaza war, yet Netanyahu had refrained from removing Gallant until now. An earlier attempt to oust Gallant in March 2023 had led to significant public protests against Netanyahu, AP reported.
Gallant, a former general respected for his straightforward behaviour said, “The security of the state of Israel has always been and will continue to be my life’s mission.” Throughout the war, he has consistently worn a simple black buttoned shirt as a gesture of mourning for the October 7 attack and has established a strong rapport with US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin.
In March 2023, Netanyahu’s earlier attempt to dismiss Gallant led to huge public protests against him. While he thought of firing Gallant again over the summer, on Tuesdat the announcement was made, AP reported.
Gallant will be succeeded by Foreign Minister Israel Katz, a loyalist to Netanyahu and an experienced Cabinet member with a background as a junior military officer. Gideon Saar, a former opponent of Netanyahu who has recently rejoined the government, will assume the foreign affairs position.
Netanyahu has a long-standing pattern of undermining rivals. In his statement, he said htat his ‘many attempts” to resolve issues with Gallant, but said that “the gaps only widened. The differences became known to the public in an unacceptable manner and even more concerning, they became known to our enemies, who took advantage of the situation.
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