Following the backlash, Kasthuri took to social media to apologize, revealing she had received numerous threats and attacks. She emphasized her nationalist views, pride in India’s unity and diversity, and her personal connection to the Telugu community. Kasthuri clarified her intentions, stating she targeted specific individuals, not the entire Telugu community.
Kasthuri clarified her intentions, stating she targeted specific individuals, not the entire Telugu community.
Chennai: Actress Kasthuri has issued an apology for her controversial comments about the Telugu community, which sparked widespread outrage and threats. Kasthuri faced intense criticism after speaking at a Brahmin protest organized by the Hindu Makkal Party in Chennai, where she questioned the classification of Telugu-speaking individuals as Tamils.
During the protest, Kasthuri said, “When we say that those who came to serve a king and the women of Anpura 300 years ago and those who spoke Telugu are Tamils, who is there to say that Brahmins who came sometime ago are not Tamils?” Her remarks were met with fierce condemnation from various quarters.
Kasthuri Withdraws Statements, Says Sorry for Hurting Telugu Sentiments
Following the backlash, Kasthuri took to social media to apologize, revealing she had received numerous threats and attacks. She emphasized her nationalist views, pride in India’s unity and diversity, and her personal connection to the Telugu community.
In her apology statement, Kasthuri said, “I have always been a true nationalist who takes immense pride in the unity and diversity of my Bharat Mata. I have always been beyond caste and regional differences.” She acknowledged her Telugu film career and expressed gratitude to the Telugu people for their support.
Kasthuri clarified her intentions, stating she targeted specific individuals, not the entire Telugu community. She withdrew her statements and apologized for any hurt caused, saying, “If my careless words have hurt anyone, I am sorry.”
The controversy had diverted attention from the issues she raised during the protest, Kasthuri noted, appealing to Telugu individuals to unite in the struggle for Brahmin dignity in Tamil Nadu.
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